Monday 15 September 2014

Mockingjay: Part One thoughts

The trailer for the penultimate Hunger Games movie is here!
 *WARNING: possible spoilers for those who have not read the books*

As a lover of both the books and the movies, I am very excited for this film to come out.  With some book-to-movie conversions, I feel very disappointed as a reader how unlike the book the films often are *cough Percy Jackson cough* but the Hunger Games movies are (generally) loyal to their book counterparts and for that I am thankful. From what I can tell from the trailer, they have District 13 exactly as I imagined it from the books, dark, mysterious but a hopeful place.

In terms of the cast, I am particularly excited for Natalie Dormer's part as Cressida in this movie - she is a fantastic actress, seen in Game of Thrones and Elementary, as well as just being an all-round beautiful person. I honestly think she could take over the world tomorrow and everyone would just be okay with it. Josh Hutcherson as 'Captiol' Peeta in this movie could also be very interesting to play out on screen. In the books, those scenes broke my little Katniss/Peeta shipper heart so to actually see them in front of me will probably just turn me into more of  an emotional wreck than I already am!

There isn't really much more I can say on this, just because it simply is a trailer for a movie that looks really bloody good. The first two instalments of The Hunger Games are fantastic, particularly Catching Fire, so I have no doubts that this will match up in all aspects. Once the full movie comes out, I will obvs be doing a review. These were just some initial thoughts I had and wanted to tell someone about!
Let me know what you think if you are a fan also!
Laura x

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