Wednesday 29 October 2014

Fangirl Challenge (kinda)

Hello lovely people of the internet!
Basically, I saw this going around tumblr (you can follow me here if you like) and I am awful at gifsets or anything technical so I thought I would edit it down so I could do it on my blog! This way, you all get to see the fangirl that I really am, get to know me a bit better and hopefully join in my nerdiness.
(PSA: I do not know who originally created this tag but all credit goes to them, I am just editing and using it for here. I do not take credit for making it)

  • [10] movies - //Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban// Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat//Jurassic Park//Struck by Lightning//Bend it like Beckham//How to train your Dragon//Aladdin//Monty Python and the Holy Grail//Miss Congeniality//Bridesmaids
  • [10] tv shows- //Game of Thrones//Agents of SHIELD//Orphan Black//Doctor Who//Sherlock//Elementary//Modern Family//The Big Bang Theory//FRIENDS//Scrubs
  • [7] actors- Chris Colfer//Russell Tovey//Matt Smith//Robert Downey Jr//Daniel Radcliffe//Peter Dinklage//Zachary Quinto
  • [7] actresses- Emma Watson//Jennifer Lawrence//Emma Thompson//Helena Bonham Carter//Rosario Dawson//Zoe Saldana//Natalie Dormer
Read into this what you will about the things I am a fan of. 
Soon enough, I think I will do a follow up post using other things from the full fangirl challenge such as favourite characters but include why etc. Those listed above are fairly self-explanatory I should think!

I have written myself a list of blog posts to do now so hopefully I should have more of structure soon enough!
Thanks for reading and let me know your favourites of the categories above!
Love Laura x

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Book review: Kill Your Boss by Shane Kuhn

The latest book I have read (apart from school ones bleurgh) is this lovely little one - okay lovely is a word we will use loosely- by Shane Kuhn. I've always liked stories of assassins and such like as creepy as that makes me sound but I find them exciting and intriguing.

This story is written partly as an FBI investigation into John Lago, the anti-hero of the book and partly as John's own perspective - an experienced hitman and killer writing to the new recruits for the company he works for HR Inc.
In summary, the story is that this is John's last assignment - he is 25 now so too old to be an intern anymore (how HR Inc get their killers into where they want to be) so he wants to go out with a bang. However, when he finds himself falling for a undercover FBI agent named Alice who just so happens to investigating the man he has been sent to kill; things get interesting. (Of course, there are huge plot twists in this but I'm not going to tell you so go read it for yourself)

I really enjoyed this book; it was funny, it was just the right amount of blood, guts and gore and there was a rather sweet little love story at the centre of it and despite me hating fully romantic novels, I do like a good love story when it's surrounded by an interesting plot line. I liked the character of John's narrative; he was rather self-deprecating at times but I can forgive him that; he hadn't had the best start in life! I also thought Alice was particularly bad ass and would have liked a back story on her!

Criticism of this book is I found myself slightly confused towards the end; everything gets a little blurry and distorted as to who is where, who is dead etc etc.

All in all, I would highly recommend to anyone who is up for a quick, easy read and who enjoys murder mysteries from the murderer's perspective. 8/10 :)

Laura x

Sunday 5 October 2014

Book review: The Deaths by Mark Lawson

This week, I finished 'The Deaths' by Mark Lawson - I'm not gonna lie, I was initially attracted to this book because I thought the cover/font of the title were really pretty and aesthetically pleasing but upon reading the blurb, I was intrigued. This book, on the outside, looks to be a "satirical comedy" regarding Britain's upper class and how an "act of violence" opens the book - I do like a good murder mystery so I figured I would give it a shot.

I have to say I was fairly disappointed with this book. It was funny at times, especially regarding supermarket hierarchies, and I did rather like how it wasn't revealed which characters were killed until the last few chapters as the rest of the novel explained possible motives or killers from within the group of characters but other than that, it was essentially a lot of disjointed narratives from different characters none of whom (except maybe the doctor and the police officer) were particularly likeable - in order for me to enjoy a book, I have to connect with at least one character and that just didn't happen with this story. I stuck with it as I wanted to see how did actually get killed but otherwise, I probably would have given up with book halfway through.

My biggest annoyance with this story though was clearly the author had no clue what feminism actually is - he mentions the word 'feminist' identifying characters as so several time but each time was totally wrong. Feminism simply means gender equality. That is it. Mark Lawson, however, seems to take it as women not needing men to get by, that they should be shunned for enjoying sex with their husband and just bleurgh. I do not have time for people who choose to write about a topic that they clearly have no idea about. Mark Lawson, I'm sure you're a lovely man but please do some research before saying your characters are feminists when they are a rather dodgy idea of one instead.

Overall, I wouldn't really recommend this book, giving it only a 6/10 as it was a mildly intriguing story and an easy read but the characters were just too annoying for me to give a rate any higher!
All opinions are my own and stuff like that and give me some book recommendations please! I need a major book haul soon.
Laura x