Thursday 26 March 2015

Doctor Who tag!

Hello, I know it's been a while. Life has been pretty hectic the past few months and is about to get even more so with exams and stuff but today as it is 10 years since the Doctor Who reboot began, a show which has had a wonderful impact on my life, I have decided to do the Doctor Who tag as a post today.

(As these tag posts are pretty easy to do and I love writing them I may start trying to do a few more until I can get back into proper blogger mode)

1. Who's your favorite Doctor?
My favourite Doctor has to be Matt Smith (I know slighly controversial). Don't get me wrong, I love David Tennant's Doctor also but for me, Matt Smith's episodes always put a smile on my face, his enthusiam is outstanding and I think his Doctor is just someone I'd get on with. The David Tennant Doctor has always been a little off with me as if I'm honest, I hated Rose as a companion with him, I never liked the fact they fell in love blah blah blah, it's just too overdone.
2. What’s your favorite Doctor Who story or episode?
My favourite story (one that spread over a few episodes) has to be the Harold Saxon/The Master story arc, I thought it was genius and just a really gripping story to watch. However, my favourite episode is The Curse of the Black Spot.... no idea why, I just really love that episode.
3. Who’s your favorite companion?
I honestly can't decide between Donna and Amy; I love them both for different reasons and I can't pick. They are also closely followed by Rory - he is wonderful and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
4. What was the first Doctor Who story/episode you ever watched?
Rose - the very first one back with Christopher Eccelstone, I remember my dad being so excited it was back and he told me all about it being a show from when he was a kid. I just fell in love with it there and then!
5. What’s your favorite series or era?
I think it has to be Matt Smith's first series with Amy and Rory. I loved the stories, I loved the characters, that's what I think of when I think Doctor Who.
6. What is your favorite pre or post regeneration story?
I really like the David Tennant pre regeneration story where he goes back and visits his various companions to say goodbye. I think it's just so heart-breaking but lovely at the same time.
7. What is your favorite Tardis desktop theme?
Matt Smith's first one by far! So pretty.
8. What’s your favorite villain or monster?
I do like the Daleks but I also think the Slitheen are pretty good too!

So that's that!
Until next time, Laura. x

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