August/September - My first monthly review!
Anyone who knows me knows I read a lot, watch a lot of TV and see a lot of films every month so I decided instead of doing individual reviews for every single thing, I decided I put them all together in one large post, rather like a monthly favourites video that YouTubers like Zoella do!I am going to try and actually do this every month because I like talking about things and here seems like the perfect place so I no longer annoy my family and friends by rambling on about what books I've read!
*edit* okay when I said every month I forgot school would get in the way. So every two months seems more logical to me now. Sorry.
These reviews/rambles could be literally of anything even if it's just food or something so yeah....on we go! :)
Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
I think I joined the bandwagon a little late on this book to be honest and I really wished I'd picked it up sooner!
As a fan of the Hunger Games, I was told by a friend that I would really enjoy this book and when I saw it in a shop with £3 off, I figured I'd give it a whirl!
Set in a dystopian future, Uglies tells the story of a society that is split between the "pretties" and the "uglies". Everyone is deemed an "uglie" until the age of 16 where you get taken in for an operation to become a "pretty" and you finally get to be able to live your life on the pretty side of town. At the start of the novel, 15 year old Tally is desperate to become 16 and finally become pretty not only so she can see her best friend Peris again but because she will finally be pretty, something she's waited for her entire life.
However, when she befriends Shay, a girl who would turn pretty on the same day as Tally, who isn't all that keen on the idea of having to become someone else's idea of "pretty", Tally begins to learn about a world outside of the towns and cities, where no-one is pretty.
When Shay runs away, Tally is told to find and betray her friend or never turn pretty.
I found this book so thought-provoking and incredible to read, showing that on the path to external beauty, it isn't really all that beautiful at all. There is sinister work going on by those who deem ordinary, imperfect but still beautiful people to be Ugly.
At first the character of Tally annoyed me as she seemed rather weak and easily misled by others but by the end, she is so much stronger than I would ever have expected her to be and she shows that intelligence is a far greater weapon than anything. This book makes you think, makes you happy, makes you question your morals and I think that's everything you could want from a good book. If you enjoy the Hunger Games, this is a definite read for you!
Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher
The general idea of the story is a teenage girl named "Zoe" (not her real name as you find out at the end oooh plot twist) who has a terrible, guilty secret - I won't tell you what it is - and she can't tell it to anyone because she'd be in big trouble. Until she hears of criminal on Death Row in America, one who knows all about secrets - the book is the series of letters she writes to him, telling him about her secret.
When I first read the synopsis, I was intrigued by the story - it sounded mysterious and I do love a good mystery book! By the end of the first chapter I was hooked.... however after that the book went a little down hill for me I'm afraid. I kept going with it as I wanted to see what this horrible dark secret was but I found the main character very whiny about her life if I'm honest. She was pretty much stringing along two boys and I ended up feeling sorry for them not her and her quest to find which one she liked better. In fact, I think my favourite character was "Zoe's" little sister Dot, who is deaf, but didn't let that stop her from being adorable and supportive!
All in all, not a bad read, easy to get through if you had a few hours to spare and a good ending but I'd only really give it a 6/10.
A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
Yes I'm a naughty fan because I watched the TV show before I read the books but sue me I don't care. I bought the first book after watching the first season so I already knew the main plot points anyway.
Game of Thrones is set in a dystopian, almost medieval universe where houses compete and fight and generally try to get one over one another! The plot of the first book centers on Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark, who is asked to become Hand of the King by King Robert Baratheon despite the previous Hand dying very suddenly. Ned is thrown into a suspicious world where either everyone or no-one can be trusted not to mention the exiled family Targaryen rising to power once more AND the people that keep disappearing and coming back with ice-blue eyes seemingly never being able to die - a threat thought to be have been destroyed years ago.
There is too much going on in Game of Thrones to sum it up easily so my only advice for you can be READ IT. I was surprised how much I love the series given that I'm not great with blood, guts and gore and by how much sex there is in it but the characters are my favourite, I get very attached to them all and the story lines are so fantastic! I recommend highly but definitely for ages 16 and up only! (There are some rather...ahem...racy/violent scenes)
The Smurfs 2
However, I was pleasantly surprised by this film! I actually think I enjoyed it more than my sister and the numerous other young kids in the cinema to be honest!
It had a really sweet message running through out it and it had some pretty good comedic moments. The cast were all great as their respective parts and it's just a really nice feel-good movie! I did find parts of the storyline slightly unrealistic though - four people managed to get from New York to Paris in under (what seemed like) 12 hours? No.
I'd recommend if you want to watch something that isn't too hard to follow or you have younger children with you.
Click here for the trailer --->
Grown Ups 2
I went with my cousin, who is a huge fan of the first movie like myself, so it's safe to say we were both pretty excited.
I wasn't disappointed! It was hilarious, made me feel happy and just generally good about life. And with a stellar cast of Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, Salma Heyek, Maya Rudolph AND David Spade, it was obviously going to be amazing (also Alexander Ludwig and Taylor Lautner in minor roles which was lovely for the females watching ;) )
My only negative point about this film was it didn't really have a plot line. I don't know how to explain it but it introduced a few running jokes at the beginning and the 'party' where the film reached it's ending - and after that ...that was kind of it. It was still full of comedic moments but there was no real story to it. Which in a way is good because you didn't have to concentrate on the storyline, just enjoy the film!
I recommend for ages 12 and up :)
Click here for the trailer --->
I only really have one music for this time round which is Theo Katzman's album Romance without Finance.I feel so bad for jumping on the bandwagon late with this one as the album has been out since 2011 (whoops my bad).
I found Theo's music from Darren Criss (star of glee and the potter musicals on youtube for those who are unaware). Theo supported Darren on his first national tour and being from England I could only watch YouTube videos of the concerts but I found that I loved Theo's songs!
I downloaded the album and have barely stopped listening to it. The songs make me happy, the lyrics are stunning and the music is gorgeous. Go give it a listen!!
Here is Theo's song 'Brooklyn' -->
In Conclusion
Thank you for reading, I will get back into this blogging thing properly I promise! If you want you can find me on twitter here @elderpr1ce*disclaimer I don't own any of the youtube videos or pictures used and opinions are my own*
Until next time! Love Laura xx
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