(Sorry it’s a bit late…)
Wednesday 7th August
My time at LeakyCon London technically started when I travelled down from my little town in Yorkshire on Wednesday 7th August and nothing really happened that day other than that I was acting like an excited puppy all day because Leaky. Our accomodation wasn’t the best but I was determined not to let it spoil anything.
I did, however, see the musical “We Will Rock You” with my family on the night and it was about a thousands times better than I thought it was going to be. I love and admire Queen’s music so much but I thought it was just going to be a rubbish storyline with Queen songs thrown in and around it to make it better. I found the storyline (set in the future where the “Killer Queen” has stopped anyone making their own music and a band of rebels named the “Bohemians”, led by Galileo Figaro have to find the last instrument) was so clever, hilarious and the cast and musicians were an incredibly talented bunch of people.
Anyway I’m rambling,
Thursday 8th August
I walked down to the Grand Connaught Rooms with my dad for about 9am to be confronted with a HUGE queue. (Like seriously it was massive). Registration was meant to start at 9am but the computer systems were not ready so I didn’t end up getting registered until about 11:10am! Thankfully, the people I was stood with in the queue were all lovely so it passed (relatively) quickly!
There was a slight panic with my registration as we couldn’t find the booking rerference *cue me on the phone to my dad having a panic attack* until a nice volunteer saw me in tears in a corner and pointed me in the right direction to get it sorted! (I didn’t get your name volunteer but THANK YOU SO MUCH)
Then I didn’t have anything to do until either Holly or Raisa got there. Events were meant to start at 1:00pm and I was planning on going to them but given there was a queue stretching round the block I wasn’t even sure they would be on! Thankfully I saw Zoe in the queue, she was one of my first proper internet friends and I’d already met her in Feb this year, and there were hugs and things - yeah.
Holly, another one of my first internet friends, texted me to say she was here so I ran around for a while looking for her until I saw her and then we embraced and she is so cute and lovely and yay friends! (wow good english there Laura).
Raisa also arrived shortly after that and again, there were more hugs and friendship type of things yay!
As I already had my pass, I was allowed to go inside to the events for 1:00pm so I had to leave Holly and Raisa in the queue (sorry guys given that you’d never even spoken before). I found Zoe again, where we went to the Leaky First-Timers meetup. There was nothing in the meetup that I hadn’t already guessed or knew about LeakyCon but it was still fun - especially when we got told the story of drunk!Darren Criss at Leaky Chicago where he dropped his beer and continued to drink it off the floor. (It’s stories like that and realise I've made good life choices with the people who inspire me)
Later in the day, I went to the Whovian meetup with Raisa and Zoe where there were discussions on favourite Doctors, companions, monsters, episodes and of course - Steven Moffat. (Personally, I don’t mind his writing, I just don’t really like him). I spoke up when everyone was talking about monsters and the scarier episodes when no-one mentioned Midnight because that episode scared the crap out of me. (Seriously. I didn’t sleep for about a week)
Then it was time for the Welcome Ceremony - there was a massive queue for it in which we got shut outside for a while which was confusing - but we were eventually let in! I had to leave before Starkid sang to go eat dinner but I managed to see Evanna Lynch, Lauren Fairweather, Scarlett Byrne, Robbie Jarvis, Alife Enoch, the HPA video and I finally can cross off being in a Vlogbrothers video off my bucket list because the wonderful Hank Green let us shout “GOOD MORNING JOHN” and that was honestly one of my favourite things to do ever. (He also did Accio Deathly Hallows which was AMAZING)
That evening, it was the Rock Concert. The only two acts I had ever really known the music for were Alex Carpenter and Hank Green, although I had heard of the other bands.
I found I really enjoyed the music throughout the night despite being very tired and had a good time getting to know Holly better in real life!
I was also fortunate enough to meet Alex Carpenter. This man is one of the sweetest and loveliest people ever. For some reason my camera wouldn’t work the first two times Holly tried to take the picture of us so I said on the third go, “if it doesn’t work this time, we’ll forget the picture” and he said “no, no, honestly we will get you your picture, don’t worry about it”. I replied jokingly “it’s only so I can come back and keep hugging you” - his reply was an adorable smile and he simply only hugged me tighter. (I LOVE HIM OKAY)
Brian Holden and Meredith Stepien were both in the bar, and I didn’t really get a chance to say hi but Meredith smiled back at me when I waved at her. I also took the creepiest picture of Clark Baxtresser as shown below.
I left after Alex’s set because I was falling asleep on the spot practically.
Friday 9th August
I was awake by 6am because I was so nervous to get into the Starkid signing that morning. I set off for the GCR to get there for half seven and there was a massive queue already, which made my already low confidence levels for getting in even lower.
As it would happen once we eventually got in, me and Raisa were not fortunate enough to get into the signing whereas Holly was. And as happy as I was for her, I was very upset inside. I tried to stay positive as I went to the back of the queue but deep down, I was sure we wouldn’t get in. And we didn’t. so that sucked big time. Starkid were my primary reason for going and me and many other fans didn’t get the chance to speak to them (so far anyway ;]) (I did manage to get into Hank Green’s signing though!)
So anyway, me and Raisa went to the Nerdfighter Gathering while Holly went to the signing, both of us were pretty sad about not being able to meet Starkid.
I will forever be thankful to Hank Green for what happened next. He came out and began talking and he made me laugh and smile and he made what began as a shitty day a whole lot better. Hank is basically one of my favourite people ever and he is every bit as intelligent, funny and adorable in real life as what we see on the computer screen.
Afterwards it was the HP actor panel, which was funny, awesome and they all came across as incredibly lovely people. (Raisa also discovered her love for Rohan Gotobed) My favourite quote from this panel had to be -“I like balls. Any kind of balls really” - Robbie Jarvis.
Then came the Starkid Panel, which was brilliant as I finally got to see the people who have made my life better in general in the flesh and that was just amazing. They made me smile as per usual and their impressions of one another was a highlight.
Next came the Hank Green signing! I decided I wanted to ask him one of the most horrible and awkward questions ever - “Do you prefer John Green’s books or JK Rowling’s books?”
to which his answer was “Oh. Shit. Don’t make me answer that!” I then shook his hand and he is really one of the loveliest people ever. Very thankful I got to meet him after being an admirer of his for so long!
Pretty sure after that we went and creeped the hell out of the Waterstones staff who were there but never ye mind. It was fun! Then I went to eat dinner and fell asleep.
Saturday 10th August
Another early start on the Saturday! As I didn’t get into the Starkid signing, I was determined to get into the HP actor signing that morning! Unluckily, I felt incredibly ill when I woke up and still did by the time I got to the GCR which didn’t help my confidence levels. However I made some new friends in the queue and Raisa and Holly also both cheered me up! (I also think the painkiller I had helped…)
The lottery began and there (thankfully) wasn’t a huge queue that morning as most people had gotten into the signings they wanted the day before! On the second time round, Holly and Raisa both got into the HP actor signing - and I didn’t. Again the nerves crept in but third time lucky - Raisa got a white ticket and gave it to me so yaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Before the signing, we went to the second HP actor panel. Before that started there was a chance for our tweets to get onto the big screen and (as a joke) Raisa tweeted “guys who is JK Rowling?? Everyone keeps talking about her? Who did she play?” which of course ended up on the screen and everyone cheered. Raisa was miffed that no-one answered her question. ;)
The HP actor panel turned into a trivia quiz for the actors which was pretty funny although I was slightly disappointed by how little a couple of them seemed to know about Harry Potter. :( Best moment however was when someone asked “what house was Edward Cullen in?” and Chris Rankin just yelled “GET OUT” <— A reason I love this man.
Afterwards, we headed to the signing! Rohan Gotobed (young Sirius Black) was the first person on the signing and Raisa proposed to him. (It was pretty much one of the best things ever okay) He went a shade of red and Robbie Jarvis (Young James Potter) questioned their age. (Raisa justified it by saying that they were the same age so it was okay) I apologised for her behaviour and then Robbie said I could dance with him at the ball. (Which I didn’t in the end :( ) Ryan Turner (Hugo Weasley) was next and I didn’t really have much to say to him but he was nice enough. Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley) was next and I told him we’ve talked on twitter before but he didn’t remember me but never mind. He’s a really lovely guy (and he asked me a question after I’d moved away a bit but I didn’t hear him and Holly told me afterwards and then I felt really bad whoops) Ellie Darcy-Alden (Young Lily Potter) told me I could be her friend and I got a high five from her.
Then it came to Scarlett Byrne who is so sweet! She asked me how I was and if I was enjoying LeakyCon and I proceeded to tell her how beautiful her hair is. (To be fair to myself, I have always wanted to tell her that since Pansy Parkinson first appeared in the films) so then we had a conversation about her hair?! Next was Evanna Lynch (I shouldn’t have to tell you who she plays) and I was fangirling so much. She asked me if I was okay and I basically replied with I love you. I told her she’s an inspiration to me and that Luna is my favourite character and I’m so thankful to her for portraying Luna perfectly and she told me I was very sweet. Lastly it was Benedict Clarke (Young Snape) who gave me a high-five and told me I could dance with him at the ball (which I kinda did!)
Afterwards, Raisa wanted to go get a Starkid hoodie and that was the greatest decision she has ever made because we got to the vendor room and Jaime Lyn Beatty was sat there signing things. Given that me and Raisa hadn’t met any of the Starkids the previous day, we both got rather excited. Jaime was super sweet and she was like “I want to live in London!” and I replied with “yeah me too”. We were about to leave the vendor room when a wild Dylan Saunders appeared and Raisa followed him, apologised foe stalking him and then he was like it’s cool and hugged her? I waited to get a picture with him and he was so nice and we hugged and it was beautiful.
We went to a cafe nearby for lunch and I think I scared the woman who served me because I was still in a state of shock that I just hugged Dylan Saunders. Then on the way back, we almost got ran over by the taxi which had Brian Holden, Joe Walker and Meredith Stepien in it….
I forgot to mention earlier that we also got into the Hank Green signing again and I figured why not? This might be my only chance to ever meet him so why not do it twice? In the queue, there were spontanenous singalongs which was one of the greatest things ever. At some point in your life, you need to be a singalong of Bohemian Rhapsody because it was fricking amazing. I can’t really remember my second conversation with Hank other than that I told him he was the only person worthy of signing my lanyard and he thanked me for that.
After that it was the Starkid Concert. BEST. THING. EVER. Ever since I discovered Starkid, I have wanted to see them live and finally that became a reality. I cried, I laughed and I generally just spent the entire time in awe of these beautiful, amazing, talented people. I cried during To Have A Home and Not Alone because emotions. (I did take pictures but tbh they’re really blurry because I was shaking. The videos I took will be linked below)
After the concert, I randomly saw Liam Dryden of YouTube and despite him looking really quite tired, I asked if I could get a picture, a chat and a hug. I asked him how VidCon was and his reply was tiring but a lot of fun. Again, a very lovely person!
Then it was the Ball! It was a lot of fun to just spend time with friends I made from the internet who I never thought I’d get to meet, at least not for a long while! We danced and sang and Benedict Clarke was kinda dancing amongst everyone so I’m classing that as he is dancing with me.
Here’s me and Holly with a photo-bombing Kristina in the background.
I left the ball early because I was shattered and my feet were on the verge of falling off.
Sunday 11th August
As it was the last day we didn’t have to be there so early on the Sunday! I got there for 9am (pretty much a lie-in!) As it was a leaving breakfast, I hadn’t eaten anything yet that morning so I was very hungry. We all were. We made friends with the girls behind us in the queue in which we all began to halluncinate about food and how food is a beautiful thing. So thanks Ria, Paige and Kath (And Holly and Raisa) for making that one of the funniest queues/breakfast experiences of my life.
After breakfast we kinda just wandered around aimlessly because nobody wanted to say goodbye. I saw people we’d met during the weekend and felt sad because it would be the last time I’d see them probably.
There was some people walking around with a Free Hugs sign so we hugged them and then Melissa Anelli (as in the creator of LeakyCon) came by so we all stood there with open arms until she came and joined in our group hug. She also spilt coffee on Raisa and she signed my book! I told her she was a legend and she replied with no that’s you - she is also very lovely!!
When the time came to say goodbye to Holly it was not fun. I hugged her and genuinely didn’t want to let go - Holly was my first ever internet friend and to finally meet her was awesome. Raisa and Holly hadn’t even spoken before LeakyCon I think and I’m glad we all became good friends in the short weekend we spent together :)
Me and Raisa again wandered around aimlessly saying goodbye to people in which Raisa began to cry. We saw Alex Carpenter and asked for goodbye hugs which he gave willingly -again he is the nicest hugger ever and it made me feel so comforted. I told him it had been so nice to meet him and he was like you too, but I promise we will all meet again one day! He saw Raisa was crying and told her that it would all be okay. And that is how I fell in love with Alex Carpenter at LeakyCon.
Anyway. Then I had to say goodbye to Raisa as our parents were hanging around outside. She started crying again and I tried not to. (I haven’t told her or Holly this but I cried on the train home shush) I think we hugged about three times and then I had to leave :((
To sum it all up, LeakyCon was the greatest few days of my life. The people, the experience was all just brilliant and I can’t get over it. Mischief Managed!
My top ten LeakyCon favourite memories/quotes (in no particular order) -
1. Hank Green swearing at my question.
2. Raisa proposing to Rohan Gotobed.
3. The singalong in the Hank Green signing queue
4. Waterstones Oxford Street Twitter guy being generally hilarious.
5. “Dobby is a strong independent elf who don’t need no sock”
6. The starkid panel/concert
7. Meeting friends!!!!
8. Singing the Doctor Who theme tune at the Whovian Meetup
9. “Look it’s my new friend Ellie!” - Raisa.
10. the leaving breakfast.
The people I met/spent the weekend with - Raisa Holly
Zoe Kath Ria Hannah Kristina Annika
All the videos I took at LeakyCon in one video :)
If you read all of this well done!!
Love Laura xxx
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